Requiem Terrae
2012 - Buenos Aires - Centro cultural RecoletaInés Fontenla – Requiem Terrae a cura di Patricia RIzzo
2012 – Buenos Aires – Centro cultural Recoleta

2011 - Roma - Chiesa di San FilippinoThe concern for the constant deterioration of the earth grows over time. Today we are better informed about the disasters caused by the negligence of man and its consequences. Inés Fontenla with her work highlights the environmental issues; a theme often debated by many people, but only a few truly seek to find a solution. […]

2009 - Genazzano (RM) - Centro Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea - Castello Colonna“Da molti anni ormai l’argentina Inés Fontenla vive nel nostro paese. I temi della lontana, della perdita sono precipui nella sua ricerca. L’installazione qui esposta è costituita da fotografie e da oggetti. Una nave dal nome inequivocabile, Itaca, è incagliata in una montagna di mobile. È una metafora della nostra esistenza che tropo […]

2007 - Belgrado - Palazzo Italia“Derivas” (Driftings) One of the two works of Fontenla that I describe in this text is an installation of suitcases, entitled ‘Derive’ a microcosm personal to Ines, but also an existential macrocosm of man. Some suitcases are open, others closed. Some are suspended in space as if from an existential gallows.In one are phrases written […]

2004 - Landau - Kunstverein Villa StrecciusOpening speech to the exhibition – Abstract of the Jorg.Katerndahl “The Sky at the End of the World” centres on the hole in the ozone layer, which is particularly threatening in the most southern area of Argentina; Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego. A map drawn on a green carpet represents the Tierra del […]

2003 - Genova - Galleria Leonardi V-ideaA Window on Utopia Irma Arestizabal “Utopia is always on the horizon –say Fernando Birri. I draw two steps closer, and it moves two steps back. I take ten steps and the horizon slips ten steps further away. However far I walk on, I will never reach it. What purpose does it serve? […]

1999 - Roma - Studio d’arte contemporanea Pino CasagrandeAtlantis has been and still is one of the safest repositories of human imagination. It is a city, hidden somewhere, with neither a beginning nor an end – or, alternatively, it exists in many places – in the depths of the sea, and without ever showing itself (at least we modern people are […]

1999 - Roma - Abitazione privataSi tratta di un’installazione pensata per arricchire la struttura e la quotidianità di una casa privata, un’opera d’arte abitabile, fatta “per essere vissuta dall’interno”, dice l’artista stessa, come all’interno di ognuno vivono una o più utopie. La progettazione dell’opera è stata fatta in collaborazione con l’architetto Patrizio Paris ed ispirandosi al testo di […]